Friday, October 26, 2012

rhode to sucess

Hey my name is pashieara aka lil delicious and today i will be interviewing miss christina McCullen aka shawty c. I hope to get as much as i can out of this interview as possible. Like  what makes rap a persons dream.How did they get to where they are at. I hope to learn things that i am unsure about. So i sit down to have a talk with Mrs .McMullen. First i asked her what made her want to pursue rap as a dream ?‘’ MUSIC IS MY LIFE SO AFTER LISTEN TO RAP FOR ALL THESE YEARS, IT INSPIRED ME TO START RAPPING MYSELF’’

  So[1]  i go on to ask her was it a choice or was it forced by a family member ?shawty c said” THIS WAS A CHOICE, NOW ALONG WITH ALOT OF OTHER FAMILIES , MY PARENTS DONT LISTEN TO RAP.My brother really got me listening to it when i was younger and his favorite thing to do was freestyle”” I couldn't go on without asking her about what was the best song she thinks that she has ever written “SWAGGED OUT FEAT. LIL DELICIOUS.’’ which just happens to be me.
   Since she raps i asked her was her city big on music? ‘’ BESSEMER CITY IS NOT REALLY FULL OF MUSIC ALTHOUGH GASTONIA IS’’ I wonder how her family felt being exposed to fame? ‘’ I CAN'T REALLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION CAUSE I AINT FAMOUS ,BUT I AM SURE THEY WOULD LIKE IT AND BE PROUD”
  So how do you feel and what would you tell any student that is still in school? ‘’ STAY IN SCHOOL NO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS. YOU REALLY CAN'T DO ANYTHING IN LIFE WITHOUT A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA. What about someone with a dream? ‘’ IF YOU HAVE A DREAM , FOLLOW IT, DON'T LET ANYBODY STOP YOU, NO MATTER WHAT’’
Well i have to ask because you are so confident about your style and your music who is you favorite artist? “FUTURE’’  Well that crazy he really is a good artist and has a lot of new flavor that he is braning to the table maybe yall can rap together one day maybe we all can.
  Where do you plan to go in life? ‘’ I PLAN TO GO TO COLLEGE STRAIGHT OUTTA HIGH SCHOOL’’ Last but not least how do you feel about having people look up to you?
  This interview was great and i enjoyed it alot.She really is good inspiration. Also has the perfect rhodes planned out in life. With that being said she will go along way in touch many lives.://

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